Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Here is the revised schedule for the rest of our sessions:

Visit Congregation Rodef Sholom: Feb. 27th Meet at the church at 6:30 p.m., or at the synagogue at 7:15

March 8th-- Confirmation Class after church (Amy Anos will provide the meal)
April 4th-- Confirmation Class at 3:30, Visit St. Stephen's Church at 5 p.m. (Mary Janek will provide the meal)
April 26th-- Confirmation Class after church (Tony Kelly will provide the meal)

Since we're having a difficult time pinning down a weekend for the retreat, let me propose this:

We meet on a Saturday evening, and have an overnighter at the church. Sunday morning, we have breakfast, then go to church at Centenary UMC in Youngstown. I will get someone to preach for me whatever Sunday we are out. Then, we spend the rest of Sunday on retreat, finishing after dinner on Sunday.

Let me know when we get together again what weekends this would work for you.

--Pastor D.
Call the office at (330) 652-1439, or e-mail me at: davidmacdonald@mtsoalum.org if you have any questions.

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