Monday, April 7, 2008


Definite date for the field trip to Congregation Rodef Sholom: May 17th. Meet at the church at 9:45. The service starts at 10:30 a.m. Bring a little money with you for lunch afterwards. It is important that all confirmands attend this field trip! Mentors are also strongly encouraged to attend--you will get something out of this, too.

Also, if you know of someone who is supposed to be in confirmation, but who wasn't at the kick-off on Saturday, please let them know that they need to see me, ASAP! The process of joining the church is part of your journey into adulthood, so everyone needs to take responsibility to be a part of this process. A significant amount of missed events or meetings will result in no confirmation for that individual in September.

I'm looking forward to working with all of you in the next several months. Let me know if you have any questions--make sure you meet with your confirmand/mentor before the first field trip, if at all possible.

Confirmand/Mentor Matchups so far:

Jessica: Kelly MacDonald
Sam: Pastor David
Amber: Colleen Aliberti
Shawn: Becky and Richard Hanks
Josephine: Lolly Symcheck
Stephanie: Rhonda Harris

God Bless,

Pastor David

Call the office at (330) 652-1439, or e-mail me at: if you have any questions.

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